Awakening process

John offers practical guidance on how to live in the present moment as your true Self.

This awakened state refers to those beautiful moments when the mind is quiet and relaxed and your heart is open. In such moments, you feel immersed in peace, silence, love and oneness.

This is the experience of your natural self, as opposed to being lost in your thoughts and feeling distracted, distressed and caught up in emotional issues and negative self-talk.

We have two possible states, one where we are trapped in the mind & identified with our story and the other where we are present and feel the peace, silence and stillness of the Self. These are two completely different states.

We can enter the present moment by practicing some simple techniques.

John’s guidance is tailored to suit your individual needs and the focus is always on deepening your experience of the present moment and the silent Presence, your true nature.

He teaches simple ways to be present, using awareness exercises, self-surrender and self-enquiry.

To remain in the present moment and not be caught up in the past or future, you also need to understand the nature of the ego.

To see how it controls your life through mental defense mechanisms and other strategies.

So John also offer guidelines on how to deal with the ego.

You can read more about his approach in the Teachings section of the website.

If you would like to explore the awakening process further please feel free to contact John


Phone: + 61 417507307

Location: Path Centre, Black Rock, Victoria, Australia.

Skype or Zoom: John offers online sessions if you live overseas or interstate.